About Bermet
Having worked for more than 12 years in a corporate world supporting financial sector with my regulatory knowledge, in 2024
I felt it was time to stop and do something I was planning to do for a long time. Something completely different, if you compare this to what I used to do. However to me it comes naturally.
When I shoot portraits and connect with people through photography, time flies and I am so happy to see the results. On this website you will find my photography work that I made over the years.
In the same way, when I help people with energetic healing and see how it impacts their everyday lives, there is nothing else I would want to do in this world. Visit the Healing page to read more about my approach and in case you want to book a healing session.

Photography as Art
Photography is art to me. I call it art because it brings my soul to life and give me wings to fly. When I am editing pictures I lose track of time and I love to see the moods and memories pictures create.
If I would be asked to describe my style, or specialty in photography I would say that most of all I love to capture the emotions and feelings, the beauty of a human and a human life. Therefore it can all be very different. I am often drawn to artsy and black and white looks however fit for purpose and client's wishes go first.

Healing is a journey
You might think that the combination of healing and photography is rather odd and I can only agree with that. As odd as it is, I am doing both and here you can read more about the energetic healing I offer and book a session with me.
I see healing as a life-long journey to which every person comes at various moments in life. I can only support you on this journey and give you energy to continue with more light and compassion.